What are your store hours?
Our retail store is no longer open to the public. We have shifted to a full ecommerce operations and the retail store is now solely the juicing factory and shipping department.

Are you closed?
We are still open for business online 24/7 at goodstuffjuices.com. Our retail store is no longer open to the public. We have shifted to a full ecommerce operations and the retail store is now solely the juicing factory and shipping department.

Why does the juices cost so much? The juices are premium quality juices made using a cold-pressed method and the ingredients are organic and fresh. there's no added water or sugar. No preservatives or additives. Just raw juice made from only fresh fruits and vegetables, nothing else.

do you have any disounts or coupons?
yes, use code JUICE10 for 10% off your order.

Who is the owner?
The owners are Johnny Juice and his wife.

Where do you ship the juices?
we ship to all 48 contiguous US states.

What are the prices?
3-day juice cleanse is $162 (18 juices | 6 juices per day)
5-day juice cleanse is $255 (30 juices | 6 juices per day)
7-day juice cleanse is $357 (42 juices | 6 juices per day)

are there any added sugars?
No, we do not add sugars to our juices. All the sweetness comes naturally from the fruits. The only flavor with added sweetener (maple syrup) is our "Cajun Lemonade," and agave & maple to our protein shakes.

are the juices pasturized?
no, the juices are freshly made and immediately flash frozen to maintain freshness. There are no preservatives or additives added to the juices.

I have [insert health condition] can i still drink the juices or do the cleanse?
We are not medical professionals and recommend getting guidance from a medical professional before using our products.

can i get the juices for free in exchange for content?
unfortunately we can not give juices for free at this time.

Who can i speak to about doing a collaboration?
you would need to get in touch with the marketing team at support@goodstuffjuices.com.

how do i do the cleanse?

Our juices are 100% natural and do not contain preservatives. Therefore our juices have a limited shelf life, and should be consumed within 2 days after arrival. If you do not wish to enjoy your juice right away, please be sure to pop them in the freezer for use at a later time. The juice may be kept frozen for up to 4 months.

When you are ready to begin, please be sure to remove the desired amount out of the freezer the night before you are ready to start, and allow them to defrost at room temperature in a bowl of ice or in the refrigerator. Your juice should be thawed and ready to consume by morning. Please be sure to keep your juice cool for use throughout the day.

you drink 1 juice every other hour for example, 8AM, 10Am,12 noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm.

how do i consume the 2 oz juice shots?
you can drink 1 a day or 2 a day. Try taking one at 10Am and one at 4pm.

how do i drink the teas?
you can drink them cold or hot but be sure if you are enjoying the tea hot to put in into another container that can withstand heated beverages. 

my juices arrived slightly thawed, is that okay?
yes, this is perfectly fine. place the juices into the freezer as soon as possible. as long as the juices arrived cold they are fine to consume.

my juices arrived warm and fully thawed what do i do?
please take videos and or photos of the juices and box and email them to us via email at support@goodstuffjuices.com. be sure to include your order # so we know who's order it is.

I only want to buy 4 juices.
our juice kits only come in 18,30,and 42 size kits.